Make Pain a Thing of the Past – Frisco Texas – Physician Partners of America

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Our employees are all patient care champions, but some go the extra mile and we want to give them the recognition they deserve. They embody the PPOA values known as S.I.T.E. – Safety, Integrity, Teamwork, Empathy – which informs our service to patients and the community through high quality health care.


Enrique Covarrubias is the practice manager of our Frisco, TX pain management location. He is universally known for delivering compassionate care to patients and helping the office run smoothly.

“Enrique has been an integral part at our Frisco clinic team for the last four years,” said Dr. Prasad Lakshminarasimhiah, the physician Enrique works with. “During these years he has demonstrated commitment to the success of our clinic in many, many ways.”

“I went into the medical field because I love helping people,” says Enrique, a Los Angeles native.

His decision, however, is rooted in tragedy. He witnessed his best friend shot to death on the notoriously rough streets of South Central L.A. He moved to Texas shortly after that.

After graduating from high school in 2000, Enrique went on to earn his CMA and X-ray technician’s license. He worked as a laboratory manager for a large company for five years, earning his location a franchise of the year award in 2011 and a consistent no. 1 or 2 ranking out of 150 locations. “I’m pretty competitive,” he says.

That drive and a superior ability to solve problems caught the eye of PPOA in 2014. He began his career here just six months after Dr. Gari opened the first clinics in Texas. “Back then, we were called clinical coordinators,” he says.

“Enrique is always the first to respond on any and everything that is presented by the company. He always has a go-getter personality and is always willing to help a patient or the staff,” says Terica Cox, Regional Clinical Supervisor.

One recent example: a patient was waiting for a procedure, but the doctor was delayed. Instead of sending the patient home, Enrique tracked the doctor down at the surgery center and made sure the patient was taken care of right away.

“He goes the extra mile in every situation for the best possible outcome for our patients,” Dr. Prasad says. “He coordinates extremely well with other staff and departments with the ultimate goal of providing the best care for our patients, and at the same time making it very easy on them. We appreciate him for all the effort he makes to maintain a positive attitude even under challenging situations.”

PPOA COO Josh Helms agrees. “Enrique defines what good service and dedication look like at PPOA. We are blessed to have him on our team and appreciate his dedication and empathy toward the patients we serve.”

For his part, Enrique says he enjoys his coworkers and being part of a high-growth company like PPOA.

“My time here has been amazing,” he says. “There’s been a lot of growth and a lot of changes. It’s exciting to be a part of it.”




Chronic pain conditions affect more than 116 million Americans daily, and costs Americans $560 to $635 billion, according to a report from the Institute of Medicine. Chronic back pain is a common and constant struggle for many Americans. Unfortunately, many people who suffer from it are not managing their pain effectively.

Avoid these common mistakes when creating pain management plan for your chronic and persistent back pain.

Don’t avoid the doctor

Your doctor can be the keystone in managing your chronic back pain. Your general physician can also refer you to a pain specialist that can assist in finding the root cause of your pain. Staying proactive instead of reactive is important in managing your day to day pain and can greatly increase your quality of life. Trying to handle chronic and persistent pain through self-medication can lead to feeling hopeless and alone.Reach out to your physician they want to help you create a plan.

Don’t rely solely on pain medication

Pain medications can be an important part of a pain management plan. They cannot, however, be the entire plan. Taking pain medicine daily without other methods of pain management (such as massage, counseling, chiropractic therapy, physical therapy, yoga, physician designed stretching, etc.) is like putting a band-aid on an infected cut each day. Sure it helps some, but you aren’t really solving the problem. This is only a temporary solution. Work with your doctor to create long-term pain management goals that include eliminating or reducing the use of pain medication.

Don’t explore only one option or opinion

If you don’t do your homework prior to visiting your physician it is going to be hard for you to remain an active stakeholder in your health. Research multiple solutions and pain management techniques to discuss with your doctor. When you do your homework, you will have a more clear vision of what you want your pain management plan to look like. Your doctor can work with you and provide options more fit to your plan.

Don’t hold on to unrealistic expectations

This mistake is easy to make and it can be detrimental to your mental and physical health. It is important when managing chronic daily pain to stay positive. However, if you are holding on to the idea that you will be ‘cured’ of pain with no remaining symptoms you will almost always be disappointed. For some, the pain never fully subsides. A pain management plan is just that- a plan to manage the pain not cure it completely. It will be a living breathing plan that will naturally change as your body and pain changes. Be realistic and ask your physician to help you manage your expectations by setting realistic goals with you.