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Pain Management and PDMPs

Safe and lawful prescribing of pharmaceuticals are the aim of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs). However, a delicate balance must be struck. Learn more here.

What are PDMPs?

Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) attempt to ensure the safe and lawful prescribing of pharmaceuticals through networked databases of physician practices, hospital systems and pharmacies that allow for automated controls on how controlled substances are prescribed to patients.

Typically these systems are implemented and maintained at the state-level, with 49 U.S. States, the District of Columbia and Guam currently operating PDMPs.

A key function of these systems is to combat issues surrounding the misuse of opioids. While proven an effective therapy for managing chronic pain, opioids have addictive properties and can be dangerous in large quantities, or when mixed with certain kinds of medication.

Benefits of PDMPs

As PDMPs become more ubiquitous throughout the U.S., and data comes in, encouraging statistics have emerged. According to the CDC, in Florida, opioid-related deaths fell 50% from 2010 to 2012, when pain clinic regulations and the establishment of a PDMP was put in place. The CDC also reported a 75% decrease in doctor shopping (seeking multiple prescriptions for opioids from different doctors) from 2012 to 2013, when New York began requiring prescribers to check the PDMP before writing painkiller prescriptions.

Major benefits of PDMPs include:

  • Reduction in overprescription of opioids
  • Reduction in doctor shopping
  • Avoid harmful drug interactions
  • Reduction in fraudulent prescriptions
  • Improved quality of care
  • Enhanced treatment and intervention for patients with or developing dependencies
  • Increased confidence in prescribing painkillers
  • Capturing geographic trends and other data points to improve population health

Concerns Among Physicians and Patients

With any disruptive integration of technology in medicine there are drawbacks, especially where there are potential legal consequences at stake. Physicians are becoming wary of being identified as over prescribers of opioid medicine, and may withdraw from using the therapy where it has a legitimate use. This is also known as “the chilling effect” which can lead to patients being underserved, or receiving alternative treatments that could have greater side-effects or are less effective. This is especially true of pain management providers who specialize in such therapies, and are relatively high prescribers of opioids.

Some other  potential drawbacks PDMPs pose are:

  • Fear of undue legal scrutiny for patients and physicians
  • Less effective pain management therapies
  • Reduction in precision care/increase in inadequate care
  • The wrongful identification of addicts or “pseudo-addicts”
  • Privacy concerns
  • Wrongful categorization as fraudulent prescribers
  • Increased time demands for physicians
  • Lack of ability to illegal drug use, such as heroin

What Pain Management Care Providers Need to Know

Because there is no accurate way to measure pain, other than what is reported from patients, physicians must rely on radiology, historical information, laboratory tests, and physical examination to make a judgment on the appropriate treatment.

This presents a fine line that pain management care providers must walk.

There is an element of accuracy that PDMPs can provide in determining the most effective intervention for either pain management or drug dependency by using their data. However, addiction from illicit drug use and dependence due to pain management can require different methods of intervention and treatment. Addiction treatments are currently largely geared more towards illicit drug users. This presents a challenge in striking an effective balance of curbing risks of drug dependency while not reducing effective pain treatment.

Being a part of a network can help alleviate some of the time and effort needed to navigate this complicated balance. PDMPs will likely expand in use and effectiveness over the coming years. As they do, so will the possibility of safely prescribing powerful medications while adequately treating pain.

Alleviate Back Pain

Back pain is something that a majority of American adults will go through at some point in their lives. It can begin with something as simple as doing yard work or bringing groceries into your house.

Though back pain is common, it can cause a lot of frustration in your life. Even minor back pain can keep you from enjoying your daily activities, and more serious back pain could make it difficult to work or drive.

If you are struggling with back pain, you are likely ready to try whatever it takes to make it go away. Here are five strategies for getting some relief from your back pain:

Use Heat and Ice 

For pain relief, both heat and ice can help with your back pain. When you injure your back, begin with ice as a treatment for a couple of days. It will help reduce your swelling and start the healing process.

After two days, switch to heat for your pain relief. A heating pad can help your back loosen up and soothe your pain. However, if you find one more relieving than the other, that’s fine. Whatever works for you is the best method for your pain relief.

Get Moving to Alleviate Back Pain

When you are in pain, you may be tempted to stay in bed until you feel better. However, you should try to get back on feet within a few days if possible. Mild activity can help you feel better, even something as simple as walking can help.

It is important to work on things like improving your flexibility and strengthening your core over time, as these will help keep your back pain at bay. However, keep in mind that you should avoid strenuous activity until you are fully healed to avoid making your injury worse.

Be Aware of Your Body, Day and Night

You may not realize how much the way you carry yourself can impact the level of your back pain. During the day, work on improving your posture. Whether you are sitting or standing, good posture can make a big difference in improving your back pain.

Another thing to pay attention to is the position that you sleep in. An unsupportive mattress or bad sleep position can make your back pain worse. Try to avoid sleeping on your stomach, as that can aggravate your back. If you sleep on your side, try putting pillows in between your knees to keep your spine straight. If you sleep on your back, you can put pillows under your knees for relief.

Practice Healthy Habits

Healthy habits can be a huge help in alleviating your back pain. To start, if you are a smoker, you should quit as soon as you can. Smokers may be more likely to have back pain.

Other wellness techniques that might help your back pain include healthy eating habits and meditation. Since meditation focuses on breathing and relaxing, it can help your back loosen up.

See a Specialist to Alleviate Back Pain

Though all of these techniques can help your back improve, you still may need to see a specialist if you are in a lot of pain all of the time. Your medical professional can help you find the right path to getting your back healed and your pain alleviated.
Back pain does not have to ruin your life. Talk to a specialist and begin the healing process.