Health Conditions:


What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes tenderness and pain throughout ones body, along with fatigue and often times includes trouble sleeping. Sadly, this widespread musculoskeletal pain is chronic, meaning long term for most sufferers.

What causes Fibromyalgia?

This is the question that every single fibromyalgia pain sufferer will ask at least once in their life. Why did this happen to me? The honest answer is that doctors do not completely know what causes fibromyalgia. However, they believe that there are three key factors that might contribute to it. They are:

  • Genetics. It appears that fibromyalgia runs in the family. So there may be some genetic mutation that makes you more prone to the disease.
  • Infections. Doctors have noticed that individuals with prolonged infections run a higher risk of developing, triggering, or aggravating fibromyalgia.
  • Trauma Physical/Emotional. PTSD has been linked to cases of fibromyalgia.

What are the symptoms of Fibromyalgia?

As a fibromyalgia sufferer, you know what fibromyalgia pain feels like. Your body has multiple tender points. These tender points result in you having:

  • Deep Muscle Pain
  • Constant Back Pain
  • Excruciating Headaches
  • Relentless Neck Pain

Fibromyalgia pain is a unique form of pain that non-fibromyalgia sufferers cannot understand. You go through life feeling like you have just completed the most intense workout imaginable, even though you have not set foot in a gym.

Your muscles burn, they will twitch, and they will betray you with a deep stabbing pain. Your joints hurt, your back hurts, your hips hurt. Fibromyalgia pain makes sleeping and exercising difficult, if not impossible. So, what happens? Because of the pain, you cannot sleep, you become irritable, and you lash out at your friends, family members, and coworkers. They think it’s because you’re grumpy.

Even when your fibromyalgia pain allows you to sleep, the disease itself creates fatigue. It is not uncommon for fibromyalgia sufferers to have restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea.

Fibromyalgia pain can block your cognitive abilities. It is referred to as fibro fog. It becomes difficult to focus on menial tasks.

Treating and Diagnosing Fibromyalgia

The very first thing that we do when you walk into one of our clinic locations, is listen to you. You have likely visited doctor after doctor who has either tried to minimize the pain you are experiencing, say that the pain is your imagination, or conclude that you are a hypochondriac. That will not happen with us.

We know that all pain is real. You will never need to be afraid to confide in us what you are going through.

Once we have listened to your symptoms and we’ve heard about your medical history, we are going to work with you to create a pain management system designed to provide short-term and long-term relief.

Although we have seen many fibromyalgia sufferers, we know clear well that your pain is uniquely yours. We will not treat you like you are one of many patients, but instead, we will create a treatment plan that works for you.

When you walk out of our clinic, you are going to have a clear plan laid out in front of you. You will know what we are going to do to help you in the short-term and to provide long-term pain management or pain relief.

Living with fibromyalgia is painful. Let us use our expertise to help remove that pain and get you back to living the life you deserve.