Health Conditions:

Facet Joint Syndrome

What is Facet Joint Syndrome?

When your facet joints are healthy, your spine moves smoothly. Facet disease, which is sometimes referred to as spinal osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition that damages your facet joints.

When your facet joints work properly, they allow you to move without damaging the nerves and tissue in your spinal canal. Unfortunately, since our facet joints are worked every single day keeping us moving and standing straight, they can break down over time. All changes to your facet joints as a result of degeneration could be called facet disease.

What causes Facet Joint Syndrome?

The number one cause a facet disease is age. As you get older, your joints start to break down under your own weight and in response to a repetitive motion. An injury directly to the spine can also cause damage to the facet joints.

Some factors that lead to facet joint syndrome include:

  • Heavy Sports or Heavy Labor
  • Family History
  • Accidents/Injuries to spine
  • Trauma While Lifting or Twisting Heavy Objects
  • Gout, Arthritis, Spinal Infections
  • Aging
  • Repetitive movements
  • Obesity
  • Poor posture

What are the symptoms of Facet Joint Syndrome?

Since facet joint syndrome can be experienced anywhere from your neck down to your lower spine, the location of the pain that you are experiencing, its intensity, and secondary symptoms will vary from person to person. The following are some symptoms that you may currently be experiencing:

  • Pain is worse in the morning or at the end of the day, and it changes in intensity with the weather
  • Pain in your lower back, buttocks, thighs, and pelvic area
  • Pain in your neck that radiates into your shoulders, arms, and head
  • Extreme headaches that start at the bottom of your skull, then engulf your eyes, and is accompanied by ringing in the ears
  • Crunching sound of bones rubbing on bones as you move
  • Your legs and your arms are weak
  • When you stand, your pain either increases or decreases
  • If you sit for an extended period, especially driving in the car, your pain gets worse

Treating and Diagnosing Facet Joint Syndrome

If facet joint pain is robbing you of a quality life, we warmly invite you to visit our offices. We are keenly interested in hearing about your pain and how it has affected your life.

During your consultation with us, we will discuss the pain you are experiencing. Once we have a good picture of the pain you are experiencing, we get to work devising a short-term and a long-term treatment plan.

Some of the minimally invasive procedures we have successfully used in treating our patients include:

  • Foraminotomy
  • Laminotomy
  • Laminectomy
  • Radiofrequency nerve ablation
  • Discectomies

Our goal is to get you back to living a fulfilling and pain-free life. STOP SUFFERING AND CONTACT US TODAY!