Dr. Rodolfo Gari Talks Pelvic Pain, Its Causes and Successful Treatments
Interviewer: Pain, anywhere on your body can really put a damper on your life and your activities. But when it’s somewhere that’s constantly in use, like your pelvis, it can truly be debilitating. Dr. Rudy Gari from Florida Pain Relief Group joins us now with more about this. Dr. Gari, good to have you back.
Dr. Gari: My pleasure.
Interviewer: So many women that I know have pelvic pain. And it really is awful for them and they do not know where to turn. How many times do you have somebody come through your office door and they say, “The pelvic pain is driving me crazy”?
Dr. Gari: Just about every day.
Interviewer: And what in the world can be causing this?
Dr. Gari: Well, pelvic pain can be caused by a host or a variety of different factors. Sometimes these women may have some sort of endometriosis. They may have adhesions, they may have a different…some sort of a strain. So there’s all kinds of different disorders that can be causing this and unfortunately, most of the treatments that out there are just not very good. A proven example is the adhesions. If you have adhesions,..
Interviewer: What is that?
Dr. Gari: So adhesions are kinda like a… almost like a spider web if you will, but it’s your own body spider web.
Interviewer: Okay.
Dr. Gari: So like a little scaring sometimes inside, but it’s inside your abdomen, your pelvis. So, it can be pulling on a nerve or pulling on one of the organs there and can be causing pain. So what a surgeon can do is go in there and actually through what’s called a laparoscopy, go in there with a scope and remove those adhesions, and you feel much better. Here’s the problem, most of the times it comes right back.
Interviewer: Okay.
Dr. Gari: So it becomes a futile event to continue doing that. So, we have make sure that, “Hey, you know, has everything been done that can be done?” And then let’s look for some alternatives to doing the same thing that hasn’t been working. And some of the things, for example, that we’ve done, there’s nerve block called a superior hypogastric plexus block.
Interviewer: That sounds very scientific.
Dr. Gari: Yeah. So basically your pelvis has a bundle of nerves called the superior hypogastric plexus and that’s where you get the pain sensation. So some things very simple that we can do is go in there and actually put… place a long acting local anesthetic and a little bit of steroid into the ganglion to help calm it down. And there’s a whole bunch of techniques like that that we can do. There are other things that we can do for patients that are their wits end, there’s nothing that can be done, We’ve actually performed spinal cord stimulation at the… that stimulates the pelvic area.
Interviewer: Really?
Dr. Gari: So instead of pelvic pain, you have a much more comfortable sensation.where it doesn’t bother you anymore.
Interviewer: I’m thinking there are women out there right…listening that are thinking, “Well, what kind of a time commitment is that for me? Do I have to come back every week to get this stimulation so that I feel better?”
Dr. Gari: No, this actually…for the first week of the trial, see if it’s gonna work for you. So you’ll have the little trial for about a week, make sure that it’s some you’re comfortable with, that it helps you. And if it does help you, we can get that implanted. It’s a tiny little electrode, maybe the size of a string. It goes in, into the back of your spine, it stimulates those nerves, and then there’s a little generator that gets implanted under the skin about the size of a half dollar…
Interviewer: Wow.
Dr. Gari: And that battery lasts several years. You can program that in different ways and you have a lot of control over yourself.
Interviewer: So, lots of options out there?
Dr. Gari: Absolutely.
Interviewer: Okay, Dr. Gari. Thank you very much. You can contact Florida Pain Relief Group to schedule your same-day appointment. Stop living with pain, you don’t have to. You can visit their website. It is floridapainreliefgroup.com or give them a call, 844 KICK PAIN. We’ll be right back with more Day Time, so don’t go away.