These 5 foods can be the source of your back pain
We’ve always heard “you are what you eat,” but did you know your pain level is related to what you eat? Studies show what you ingest can either help or hurt your pain. If you are already experiencing back pain, it is suggested that you stay away from certain foods.
Why is that? Some foods cause more inflammation than others, causing your already painful areas to flare up and become even more irritating. The good news is that not all foods are pro-inflammatory. Foods high in trans fats, saturated fats, sugars and white flour are examples of some that can trigger inflammation through a complex series of biochemical and hormonal processes. Below are some foods to stay away from while managing your back pain.
- Red meat: Red meat not only promotes inflammation through a substance called neu5gcor N-Glycolylneuraminic acid; it has also been linked to conditions such as heart disease, digestive issues and kidney problems.
- Processed foods: Because many of the ingredients found in processed foods are not natural, they can cause inflammation and irritation. Our bodies do not want to accept it into our systems. Some examples of processed foods are sodas, hot dogs, artificial sweeteners, some cheeses and frozen meals.
- Caffeine: Although there is no direct link between caffeine and back pain, it is a fact that caffeine increases the amount of stress hormones within the body, therefore causing inflammation. Don’t forget, caffeine is not just present in coffee; it is also in teas, cereals, some fruits and even some pain relievers.
- Enriched white flour: Commonly found in bread, pastries, crackers, and pasta, there is a good chance that foods featuring white flour is processed.
- Hydrogenated oils: Examples of where these dangerous oils can be found include margarine, vegetable shortening, and fried foods. Companies often use this ingredient to save money and increase shelf life.
Being more aware of what you are consuming can help reduce the pain you are experiencing. If your pain persists, please contact us to see a specialist.